Compassionate Choice
There is beauty and the potential of unseen miracles in every moment. Miracles are what humanity calls things that the mind cannot explain. Our minds can comprehend only what they have been exposed to and what they can imagine. The mind of God however has access to every conceivable possibility of every single relationship between every single person and aspect of creation, in each moment! Can you imagine? So many “miracles” are possible for each and every one of us. So many paths can unfold in each moment… many possibilities.
Christ has no body but yours, no hands, no feet on earth but yours.
~ Teresa of Avila
If we can imagine, at this very moment, we stand with an infinite variety of possible futures waiting for us to choose them. Align your thoughts with love. Align your feelings with love at least with love for yourself and then you will be so much more aligned to love others. If a child came to you upset , you would hold the child, hug the child, comfort the child and then gently guide them to a greater reality. If you love yourself kindly even the most difficult emotional times, you send out an energetic “signal” to the universe that allows for comfort to blanket your being.
If you say, “Here I am, I am doing my best in the moment. I know better is possible, but I choose to be kind to myself, I choose to acknowledge that I wish to do better, I choose to ask the universe to send me healthy comfort and kindness to help me move into a better space” then you are choosing the best possible path in the moment!
Of course there are even better paths and some ripe with LOVE. Suppose you are upset at someone else and you are able, authentically to pray for compassion and just bless them for where they are on their unique path. They are doing their best in the moment. You begin to pray to see them through God’s eyes. Suddenly you see someone who is wounded and struggling. Some possibilities are you could not have anything to do with this individual again. You may heal the relationship entirely. You may walk away and trust the Divine to fix things in the right timing.
Perhaps you have a dream, but do not know “how” this dream will occur. We don’t have to worry about the “HOWS”..... the Divine knows infinite ways the path can unfold. Choose the most authentic way to think, say and do now and you will find yourself automatically on a path to your dreams, or better! This will be the case whether you see them or not, whether we logically understand how things can work or not. Self limiting thoughts can block God from providing miracles! Our free will was gifted to us as “choice”. Set an intention to begin by self love<3
This choice comes up every time there is a news story about humans taking the lives of other humans. Are you going to feed unity, cooperation and harmony, or are you going to feed the other forces of destruction anger and hatred? No matter how we agree or disagree with the choices and actions of another person, we must reach deep down and recognize they too are on their journey to Soul sovereignty.
Every individual is programmed; programmed by upbringing, belief systems, and daily conditioning from various outside influences. You can choose in any moment to accept your programming as your truth, or to discover the truth of who you are as a soul. Much of humanity has been programmed to understand the world through judgement and separation; looking at the ways in which we differ from those around us. Individuality is a valuable learning experience, however the path to peace, unity, and true freedom is forged by obtaining a balance of individuality and collectiveness.
Creating new bonds and connections, re-creating unity in your home and community, sending love, healing and forgiveness outward to all and to yourself. Find time to contemplate, journal, share with a trusted friend or confidant, sit quietly and meditate on discovering more of these qualities within yourself. You are not a victim of other people's choices, you are only a victim of your decision to feel like a victim.
We can rise above tough times and incite change! We can use our compassionate choice to focus on forgiveness of self and others. Move beyond focusing on differences and instead be a divine change maker, who leads with compassion.
Compassion is the keen awareness of the interdependence of all things. ~ Thomas Merton